
These workbooks have been developed for the children of South Africa under the leadership of the Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, and the Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Dr Reginah Mhaule.

The Rainbow Workbooks form part of the Department of Basic Education’s range of interventions aimed at improving the performance of South African learners in the first six grades. As one of the priorities of the Government’s Plan of Action, this project has been made possible by the generous funding of the National Treasury. This has enabled the Department to make these workbooks, in all the official languages, available at no cost.


We hope that teachers will find these workbooks useful in their everyday teaching and in ensuring that their learners cover the curriculum. We have taken care to guide the teacher through each of the activities by the inclusion of icons that indicate what it is that the learner should do.

We sincerely hope that children will enjoy working through the book as they grow and learn, and that you, the teacher, will share their pleasure.

We wish you and your learners every success in using these workbooks.


If you have a child or sibling who is doing grade R – 12, note that Department of Basic Education in South Africa publishes workbooks, textbooks and other study materials for different subjects on their official website and they are in line with CAPS syllabus. Find the links below:

Download Grade R-9 workbooks in the below link:

Download Storybooks in the link below:

Download Grade 4 – 9 textbooks in the link below:



Download Grade 10 – 12 textbooks from the below link:


Download Grade 12 Mind The Gap study guides in the link below:


NB: Make sure you download Learner’s Book because there’s Teacher’s Guide and also choose the correct language because there is Afrikaans as well.


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